Marketing Tools, Talks and Thinking



I'm happy to jump in and help wherever you are in your marketing process. 

The collection of research, tools and methodologies I've developed to build increased levels of brand commitment is for anyone at any stage of the sales and marketing process.  And it fits in to support whatever mix of marketing resources you're using.

Here are the most popular services other clients appreciate...

Fresh EyesSM Audits - You have people take a look at your financials to make sure they are sharp. Why wouldn't you do the same with your communications?  I'll review any form of sales or marketing communciation and analyze it from a number of unique perspectives to help you add: Engagement Energy, Persuasion Power, Loyalty Language, etc.  You'll get ideas actionable ideas leverage some missed opportunities and power up your existing messages.

Fresh ThinkSM Workshops - Is it time to regroup?  If so, let me facilitate a team workshop to help you explore the Psychology of Consumer Commitment, how to add Engagment Energy into your programs, or how to assess the real value of your Core Consumers.  Call and  I can describe the different workshops that others appreciate, or customize one for you and your team. 

Core Consumer Analysis - Do you understand and appreciate the real value of your core consumers?  Do you have positive or negative momentum at the core of your brand?  Whatever is happening at the core of your brand is compounding one way or the other.  Shouldn't you understand these dynamics to feed marketing and messaging improvements?  Call and I can describe this unique process. 

Brand Relationship Anchor Definition - Have you defined the relationship you want buyers to have with your brand?  Have you anchored those feelings and established guidelines to direct your creative teams?  Humans are very emotional.  And the emotional brain is very keen.  A Brand Anchor project taps into these emotions to help power up and guide sales and marketing communications.

Brand Story Mapping - Do you know what consumers want to know more about in order to attach themselves to your brand?  The psychology of brand commitment blends the quick (sometimes irrational) decision making process with the need to balance that out with deep, about-the-brand content.  Develop a content plan and map out a set of brand stories that lock in your brand as a great choice.  These maps can be used across all marketing communications touchpoints.

Visiting VP of Marketing - Do you need some senior-level marketing help?  Just not full time?  I'm happy to step in and help on an interim or part-time permanent basis.  When we talk I'll share with you a number of examples of how this model has successfully helped a number of organizations.

Marketing Whaddayathinks - Need an opinion or point of view on a marketing or management idea?  Sometimes it's good to have access to another senior-level resource to serve as a sounding board.  I treat these requests the same way I treat requests for Fresh Eyes Audits ... I'll give you an honest, independent opinion to either validate or enhance your current plans or ideas.  

That's it.  That's all I do. 

I strive to stay completely objective so I'm able to collaboratively support brands, organizations and agencies. 

I never design creative.  I don't execute programs.  I don't sell media. 

My goal is to share the collection of consumer psychology behind how people make brand decisions and become committed to those decisions with forward-looking brands, non-profit organizations and agencies.  And help leverage those ideas in marketing and communications.
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