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About Deb


Slim-Fast, Claritin, Tylenol, Jack Daniels, Maytag, Splenda, P&G,            Catholic Extension, Heifer...and more

Deb is one of the most meaningful and practical marketers you'll find anywhere.  She blends her marketer, agency, educator and consulting experience to deliver powerful solutions that work effectively across all marketing and advertising functions.

Deb is a graduate of the University of Illinois and Northwestern University's Integrated Marketing Communications program.

In addition to helping national brands, non profit organizations and their agencies, she teaches a variety of marketing strategy and communication courses at St. Xavier University's Graham School of Management. 

Throughout the 1990's she helped create and lead the pioneering Relationship and Loyalty Marketing agency of Marketing Corporation of America - Lee Hill Dialogue Marketing.  This group created the wildly successful Similac Welcome Addition Club that turned around Abbott's faltering infant formula business.  For National Car Rental, they revamped the frequent renter program, Emerald Aisle Club, and were the catalyst that revolutionized how National rents cars to this day.

After co-founding Reilly and Rapacz, she helped Slim-Fast re-engineer the brand focus that had been lost, and helped turn the tide of the brand's huge volume losses.  She also helped a collection of national consumer brands anchor their brand relationships by creating focus and discipline based on amazing insights revealed from core consumers who know and love a brand the most. 

Deb's innovative approach to accelerating consumer commitment to brands by deeply understanding the heaviest most loyal buyers, then leveraging those insights to better align all marketing has helped many leading national brands.

In all the continued fragmentation of media and marketing fad-of-the-day noise, Deb brings brands back to their core.  She brings the rationale and processes to help a brand re-orient itself around a discipline whose foundation is to own more than its fair share of the most loyal heavy buyers or donors in the brand's category. 

"I want brands to have an unfair share of the most valuable loyal category members for this year and next.  If we do that, the brand's future will start to take care of itself."

- Deb Rapacz

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